Proverbs 10:1-32.

Proverbs 10:1-32 (Good News Translation)
1These are Solomon's proverbs:
Wise children make their fathers proud of them; foolish ones bring their
mothers grief. 2Wealth you get by dishonesty will do you no good, but
honesty can save your life. 3The Lord will not let good people go hungry,
but he will keep the wicked from getting what they want. 4Being lazy will
make you poor, but hard work will make you rich. 5A sensible person
gathers the crops when they are ready; it is a disgrace to sleep through
the time of harvest. 6Good people will receive blessings. The words of the
wicked hide a violent nature. 7Good people will be remembered as a
blessing, but the wicked will soon be forgotten. 8Sensible people accept
good advice. People who talk foolishly will come to ruin. 9Honest people
are safe and secure, but the dishonest will be caught. 10Someone who holds
back the truth causes trouble, but one who openly criticizes works for
peace. 11A good person's words are a fountain of life, but a wicked
person's words hide a violent nature. 12Hate stirs up trouble, but love
forgives all offenses. 13Intelligent people talk sense, but stupid people
need to be punished. 14The wise get all the knowledge they can, but when
fools speak, trouble is not far off. 15Wealth protects the rich; poverty
destroys the poor. 16The reward for doing good is life, but sin leads only
to more sin. 17People who listen when they are corrected will live, but
those who will not admit that they are wrong are in danger. 18Anyone who
hides hatred is a liar. Anyone who spreads gossip is a fool. 19The more
you talk, the more likely you are to sin. If you are wise, you will keep
quiet. 20A good person's words are like pure silver; a wicked person's
ideas are worthless. 21A good person's words will benefit many people, but
you can kill yourself with stupidity. 22It is the Lord's blessing that
makes you wealthy. Hard work can make you no richer. 23It is foolish to
enjoy doing wrong. Intelligent people take pleasure in wisdom. 24The
righteous get what they want, but the wicked will get what they fear most.
25Storms come, and the wicked are blown away, but honest people are always
safe. 26Never get a lazy person to do something for you; he will be as
irritating as vinegar on your teeth or smoke in your eyes. 27Obey the
Lord, and you will live longer. The wicked die before their time. 28The
hopes of good people lead to joy, but wicked people can look forward to
nothing. 29The Lord protects honest people, but destroys those who do
wrong. 30Righteous people will always have security, but the wicked will
not survive in the land. 31Righteous people speak wisdom, but the tongue
that speaks evil will be stopped. 32Righteous people know the kind thing
to say, but the wicked are always saying things that hurt.
God bless you.


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