Deuteronomy 19:1-13.

Deuteronomy 19:1-13 (Good News Translation)

1 "After the LORD your God has destroyed the people whose land he is
giving you and after you have taken their cities and houses and
settled there, 2-3 divide the territory into three parts, each with a
city that can be easily reached. Then any of you that kill will be
able to escape to one of them for protection. 4 If you accidentally
kill someone who is not your enemy, you may escape to any of these
cities and be safe. 5 For example, if two of you go into the forest
together to cut wood and if, as one of you is chopping down a tree,
the ax head comes off the handle and kills the other, you can run to
one of those three cities and be safe. 6 If there were only one city,
the distance to it might be too great, and the relative who is
responsible for taking revenge for the killing might catch you and
angrily kill an innocent person. After all, it was by accident that
you killed someone who was not your enemy. 7 This is why I order you
to set aside three cities. 8 When the LORD your God enlarges your
territory, as he told your ancestors he would, and gives you all the
land he has promised, 9 then you are to select three more cities. (He
will give you this land if you do everything that I command you today
and if you love the LORD your God and live according to his
teachings.) 10 Do this, so that innocent people will not die and so
that you will not be guilty of putting them to death in the land that
the LORD is giving you. 11 But suppose you deliberately murder your
enemy in cold blood and then escape to one of those cities for
protection. 12 In that case, the leaders of your own town are to send
for you and hand you over to the relative responsible for taking
revenge for the murder, so that you may be put to death. 13 No mercy
will be shown to you. Israel must rid itself of murderers, so that all
will go well."

God bless you.


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