Revelation 12:1-18.
Revelation 12.1-18
The Woman and the Dragon
"Something important appeared in the sky. It was a woman whose clothes
were the sun. The moon was under her feet, and a crown made of twelve
stars was on her head. She was about to give birth, and she was
crying because of the great pain.
Something else appeared in the sky. It was a huge red dragon with
seven heads and ten horns, and a crown on each of its seven heads.
With its tail, it dragged a third of the stars from the sky and threw
them down to the earth. Then the dragon turned toward the woman,
because it wanted to eat her child as soon as it was born. The woman
gave birth to a son, who would rule all nations with an iron rod. The
boy was snatched away. He was taken to God and placed on his throne.
The woman ran into the desert to a place that God had prepared for
her. There she would be taken care of for one thousand two hundred
sixty days.
Michael Fights the Dragon
A war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels were fighting
against the dragon and its angels. But the dragon lost the battle. It
and its angels were forced out of their places in heaven and were
thrown down to the earth. Yes, that old snake and his angels were
thrown out of heaven! That snake, who fools everyone on earth, is
known as the devil and Satan. Then I heard a voice from heaven shout,
"Our God has shown his saving power, and his kingdom has come! God's
own Chosen One has shown his authority. Satan accused our people in
the presence of God day and night. Now he has been thrown out!
Our people defeated Satan because of the blood of the Lamb and the
message of God. They were willing to give up their lives. The heavens
should rejoice, together with everyone who lives there. But pity the
earth and the sea, because the devil was thrown down to the earth. He
knows his time is short, and he is very angry." When the dragon
realized that it had been thrown down to the earth, it tried to make
trouble for the woman who had given birth to a son. But the woman was
given two wings like those of a huge eagle, so that she could fly into
the desert. There she would escape from the snake and be taken care of
for a time, two times, and half a time. The snake then spewed out
water like a river to sweep the woman away. But the earth helped her
and swallowed the water that had come from the dragon's mouth. This
made the dragon terribly angry with the woman. So it started a war
against the rest of her children. They are the people who obey God and
are faithful to what Jesus did and taught. The dragon stood on the
beach beside the sea."
Father God, forgive my sins. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ down
to die on the cross and for shedding his blood for me. Three days
later you resurrected him. I accept that. I invite Jesus Christ into
my heart as my Lord and savior. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
God bless you.
The Woman and the Dragon
"Something important appeared in the sky. It was a woman whose clothes
were the sun. The moon was under her feet, and a crown made of twelve
stars was on her head. She was about to give birth, and she was
crying because of the great pain.
Something else appeared in the sky. It was a huge red dragon with
seven heads and ten horns, and a crown on each of its seven heads.
With its tail, it dragged a third of the stars from the sky and threw
them down to the earth. Then the dragon turned toward the woman,
because it wanted to eat her child as soon as it was born. The woman
gave birth to a son, who would rule all nations with an iron rod. The
boy was snatched away. He was taken to God and placed on his throne.
The woman ran into the desert to a place that God had prepared for
her. There she would be taken care of for one thousand two hundred
sixty days.
Michael Fights the Dragon
A war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels were fighting
against the dragon and its angels. But the dragon lost the battle. It
and its angels were forced out of their places in heaven and were
thrown down to the earth. Yes, that old snake and his angels were
thrown out of heaven! That snake, who fools everyone on earth, is
known as the devil and Satan. Then I heard a voice from heaven shout,
"Our God has shown his saving power, and his kingdom has come! God's
own Chosen One has shown his authority. Satan accused our people in
the presence of God day and night. Now he has been thrown out!
Our people defeated Satan because of the blood of the Lamb and the
message of God. They were willing to give up their lives. The heavens
should rejoice, together with everyone who lives there. But pity the
earth and the sea, because the devil was thrown down to the earth. He
knows his time is short, and he is very angry." When the dragon
realized that it had been thrown down to the earth, it tried to make
trouble for the woman who had given birth to a son. But the woman was
given two wings like those of a huge eagle, so that she could fly into
the desert. There she would escape from the snake and be taken care of
for a time, two times, and half a time. The snake then spewed out
water like a river to sweep the woman away. But the earth helped her
and swallowed the water that had come from the dragon's mouth. This
made the dragon terribly angry with the woman. So it started a war
against the rest of her children. They are the people who obey God and
are faithful to what Jesus did and taught. The dragon stood on the
beach beside the sea."
Father God, forgive my sins. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ down
to die on the cross and for shedding his blood for me. Three days
later you resurrected him. I accept that. I invite Jesus Christ into
my heart as my Lord and savior. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
God bless you.