Jeremiah 2:1-13.

Jeremiah 2.1-13
Israel's Unfaithfulness

"The Lord told me to go to Jerusalem and tell everyone that he had said:
When you were my young bride, you loved me and followed me through the
barren desert. You belonged to me alone, like the first part of the
harvest, and I severely punished those who mistreated you. Listen,
people of Israel, and I, the Lord, will speak. I was never unfair to
your ancestors, but they left me and became worthless by following
worthless idols. Your ancestors refused to ask for my help, though I
had rescued them from Egypt and led them through a treacherous, barren
desert, where no one lives or dares to travel. I brought you here to
my land, where food is abundant, but you made my land filthy with your
sins. The priests who teach my laws don't care to know me. Your
leaders rebel against me; your prophets give messages from Baal and
worship false gods.

The Lord Accuses His People

I will take you to court and accuse you and your descendants of a
crime that no nation has ever committed before. Just ask anyone,
anywhere, from the eastern deserts to the islands in the west. You
will find that no nation has ever abandoned its gods even though they
were false. I am the true and glorious God, but you have rejected me
to worship idols. Tell the heavens to tremble with fear! You, my
people, have sinned in two ways- you have rejected me, the source of
life-giving water, and you've tried to collect water in cracked and
leaking pits dug in the ground."

God bless you.


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