John 7:1-24.
John 7.1-24
Jesus' Brothers Don't Have Faith in Him
"Jesus decided to leave Judea and to start going through Galilee
because the Jewish leaders of the people wanted to kill him. It was
almost time for the Festival of Shelters, and Jesus' brothers said to
him, "Why don't you go to Judea? Then your disciples can see what you
are doing. No one does anything in secret, if they want others to
know about them. So let the world know what you are doing!" Even
Jesus' own brothers had not yet become his followers.
Jesus answered, "My time hasn't yet come, but your time is always
here. The people of this world cannot hate you. They hate me, because
I tell them that they do evil things. Go on to the festival. My time
hasn't yet come, and I am not going." Jesus said this and stayed on
in Galilee.
Jesus at the Festival of Shelters
After Jesus' brothers had gone to the festival, he went secretly,
without telling anyone.
During the festival the Jewish leaders looked for Jesus and asked,
"Where is he?" The crowds even got into an argument about him. Some
were saying, "Jesus is a good man," while others were saying, "He is
lying to everyone." But the people were afraid of their leaders, and
none of them talked in public about him.
When the festival was about half over, Jesus went into the temple and
started teaching. The leaders were surprised and said, "How does this
man know so much? He has never been taught!"
Jesus replied:
I am not teaching something that I thought up. What I teach comes from
the one who sent me. If you really want to obey God, you will know if
what I teach comes from God or from me. If I wanted to bring honor to
myself, I would speak for myself. But I want to honor the one who sent
me. That is why I tell the truth and not a lie. Didn't Moses give you
the Law? Yet none of you obey it! So why do you want to kill me?
The crowd replied, "You're crazy! What makes you think someone wants
to kill you?"
Jesus answered:
I worked one miracle, and it amazed you. Moses commanded you to
circumcise your sons. But it wasn't really Moses who gave you this
command. It was your ancestors, and even on the Sabbath you circumcise
your sons in order to obey the Law of Moses. Why are you angry with
me for making someone completely well on the Sabbath? Don't judge by
appearances. Judge by what is right."
Father God, forgive my sins. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ down to die on the cross and for shedding his blood for me. Three days later you resurrected him. I accept that. I invite Jesus Christ into my heart as my Lord and savior. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
God bless you.
Jesus' Brothers Don't Have Faith in Him
"Jesus decided to leave Judea and to start going through Galilee
because the Jewish leaders of the people wanted to kill him. It was
almost time for the Festival of Shelters, and Jesus' brothers said to
him, "Why don't you go to Judea? Then your disciples can see what you
are doing. No one does anything in secret, if they want others to
know about them. So let the world know what you are doing!" Even
Jesus' own brothers had not yet become his followers.
Jesus answered, "My time hasn't yet come, but your time is always
here. The people of this world cannot hate you. They hate me, because
I tell them that they do evil things. Go on to the festival. My time
hasn't yet come, and I am not going." Jesus said this and stayed on
in Galilee.
Jesus at the Festival of Shelters
After Jesus' brothers had gone to the festival, he went secretly,
without telling anyone.
During the festival the Jewish leaders looked for Jesus and asked,
"Where is he?" The crowds even got into an argument about him. Some
were saying, "Jesus is a good man," while others were saying, "He is
lying to everyone." But the people were afraid of their leaders, and
none of them talked in public about him.
When the festival was about half over, Jesus went into the temple and
started teaching. The leaders were surprised and said, "How does this
man know so much? He has never been taught!"
Jesus replied:
I am not teaching something that I thought up. What I teach comes from
the one who sent me. If you really want to obey God, you will know if
what I teach comes from God or from me. If I wanted to bring honor to
myself, I would speak for myself. But I want to honor the one who sent
me. That is why I tell the truth and not a lie. Didn't Moses give you
the Law? Yet none of you obey it! So why do you want to kill me?
The crowd replied, "You're crazy! What makes you think someone wants
to kill you?"
Jesus answered:
I worked one miracle, and it amazed you. Moses commanded you to
circumcise your sons. But it wasn't really Moses who gave you this
command. It was your ancestors, and even on the Sabbath you circumcise
your sons in order to obey the Law of Moses. Why are you angry with
me for making someone completely well on the Sabbath? Don't judge by
appearances. Judge by what is right."
Father God, forgive my sins. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ down to die on the cross and for shedding his blood for me. Three days later you resurrected him. I accept that. I invite Jesus Christ into my heart as my Lord and savior. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
God bless you.