Psalm 95

Psalm 95 (Good News Translation)
1Come, let us praise the LORD!
Let us sing for joy to God, who protects us! 2Let us come before him with
and sing joyful songs of praise. 3For the LORD is a mighty God,
a mighty king over all the gods. 4He rules over the whole earth,
from the deepest caves to the highest hills. 5He rules over the sea, which
he made;
the land also, which he himself formed. 6Come, let us bow down and worship
let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker! 7He is our God;
we are the people he cares for,
the flock for which he provides.
Listen today to what he says: 8Don't be stubborn, as your ancestors were
at Meribah,
as they were that day in the desert at Massah. 9There they put me to the
test and tried me,
although they had seen what I did for them. 10For forty years I was
disgusted with those people.
I said, How disloyal they are!
They refuse to obey my commands. 11I was angry and made a solemn promise:
You will never enter the land
where I would have given you rest.
God bless you.


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