James 3:1-18.
James 3:1-18 (Good News Translation)
1My friends, not many of you should become teachers. As you know, we
teachers will be judged with greater strictness than others. 2All of us
often make mistakes. But if a person never makes a mistake in what he
says, he is perfect and is also able to control his whole being. 3We put a
bit into the mouth of a horse to make it obey us, and we are able to make
it go where we want. 4Or think of a ship: big as it is and driven by such
strong winds, it can be steered by a very small rudder, and it goes
wherever the pilot wants it to go. 5So it is with the tongue: small as it
is, it can boast about great things.
Just think how large a forest can be set on fire by a tiny flame! 6And
the tongue is like a fire. It is a world of wrong, occupying its place in
our bodies and spreading evil through our whole being. It sets on fire the
entire course of our existence with the fire that comes to it from hell
itself. 7We humans are able to tame and have tamed all other
creatures—wild animals and birds, reptiles and fish. 8But no one has
ever been able to tame the tongue. It is evil and uncontrollable, full of
deadly poison. 9We use it to give thanks to our Lord and Father and also
to curse other people, who are created in the likeness of God. 10Words of
thanksgiving and cursing pour out from the same mouth. My friends, this
should not happen! 11No spring of water pours out sweet water and bitter
water from the same opening. 12A fig tree, my friends, cannot bear olives;
a grapevine cannot bear figs, nor can a salty spring produce sweet water.
13Are there any of you who are wise and understanding? You are to prove it
by your good life, by your good deeds performed with humility and wisdom.
14But if in your heart you are jealous, bitter, and selfish, don't sin
against the truth by boasting of your wisdom. 15Such wisdom does not come
down from heaven; it belongs to the world, it is unspiritual and demonic.
16Where there is jealousy and selfishness, there is also disorder and
every kind of evil. 17But the wisdom from above is pure first of all; it
is also peaceful, gentle, and friendly; it is full of compassion and
produces a harvest of good deeds; it is free from prejudice and hypocrisy.
18And goodness is the harvest that is produced from the seeds the
peacemakers plant in peace.
1My friends, not many of you should become teachers. As you know, we
teachers will be judged with greater strictness than others. 2All of us
often make mistakes. But if a person never makes a mistake in what he
says, he is perfect and is also able to control his whole being. 3We put a
bit into the mouth of a horse to make it obey us, and we are able to make
it go where we want. 4Or think of a ship: big as it is and driven by such
strong winds, it can be steered by a very small rudder, and it goes
wherever the pilot wants it to go. 5So it is with the tongue: small as it
is, it can boast about great things.
Just think how large a forest can be set on fire by a tiny flame! 6And
the tongue is like a fire. It is a world of wrong, occupying its place in
our bodies and spreading evil through our whole being. It sets on fire the
entire course of our existence with the fire that comes to it from hell
itself. 7We humans are able to tame and have tamed all other
creatures—wild animals and birds, reptiles and fish. 8But no one has
ever been able to tame the tongue. It is evil and uncontrollable, full of
deadly poison. 9We use it to give thanks to our Lord and Father and also
to curse other people, who are created in the likeness of God. 10Words of
thanksgiving and cursing pour out from the same mouth. My friends, this
should not happen! 11No spring of water pours out sweet water and bitter
water from the same opening. 12A fig tree, my friends, cannot bear olives;
a grapevine cannot bear figs, nor can a salty spring produce sweet water.
13Are there any of you who are wise and understanding? You are to prove it
by your good life, by your good deeds performed with humility and wisdom.
14But if in your heart you are jealous, bitter, and selfish, don't sin
against the truth by boasting of your wisdom. 15Such wisdom does not come
down from heaven; it belongs to the world, it is unspiritual and demonic.
16Where there is jealousy and selfishness, there is also disorder and
every kind of evil. 17But the wisdom from above is pure first of all; it
is also peaceful, gentle, and friendly; it is full of compassion and
produces a harvest of good deeds; it is free from prejudice and hypocrisy.
18And goodness is the harvest that is produced from the seeds the
peacemakers plant in peace.
God bless you.